This policy is provided for DEILEN staff members, practitioners, learners, volunteers and partners who are using or delivering services offered by DEILEN.
Policy created on 03:04:2021. Last
reviewed on 03:04:2024
DEILEN will review this policy annually in line with self-assessment arrangements. This policy will also be revised as and when necessary, in response to partner and learner feedback or good practice guidance issued by an awarding organisation or other regulatory body.
This policy is available for all staff members, third parties and learners to access.
Each staff member involved in the management, delivery, assessment and quality assurance of services offered by DEILEN, shall be made aware of this policy during their induction period of employment. Learners and volunteers undertaking DEILEN activities shall be informed of this policy during their induction process.
DEILEN is committed to the principles of Equality and Diversity.
Equality of access and opportunities for all are core values of the organisation and DEILEN are committed to raising the profile of equality and diversity and to being proactive in ensuring fairness to all. The Equality Act 2010 underpins all DEILEN's policies.
All learners, volunteers and employees of DEILEN are required to follow and honour the principles of this Equality and Diversity Policy.
There are no circumstances in which DEILEN will tolerate discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation from or towards any staff members, learners or customers.
This also includes cyber-harassment or cyber-bullying. Any issues must be reported to the Directors.
All employees, vounteers and learners are expected to be alert to and report any instances of the issues identified below.
Discrimination occurs when people are treated less favourably than others because of a protected characteristic they have or are thought to have. This includes discrimination on the grounds of their gender, race, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, age, marital status, stage of development, ability or disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment and wealth or background.
There are four types of discrimination; Direct Discrimination, Discrimination by Association, Perception Discrimination and Indirect discrimination.
Racial harassment is any action of a racist nature that results in people feeling threatened or compromised. It can include:
racial name callingSexual harassment is unwanted conduct of a sexual nature that affects the dignity of people at work, including physical, verbal or nonverbal conduct. It can be in the form of:
insensitive jokes or pranksBullying is a form of harassment, whether by staff or other learners. Bullying may be verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct that causes individuals to feel threatened, isolated or humiliated – and may include members of a group other than those being directly targeted.
Bullying can take many forms and can be difficult to detect by those not directly involved.
All learners and staff members are asked to report bullying at the earliest stage, so that it can be stopped. Confidentiality will always be respected at all times.
The law recognises bullying as a serious issue and the protection from the Equality Act 2010 makes it a criminal and civil offence to cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person.
Victimisation is when a person is treated less favourably in the same circumstances because that person has, in good faith, made a complaint or raised a grievance under the Equality Act 2010, or because they are suspected of doing so.
A vulnerable adult is a person aged 18 years or over who may be unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves from abuse, harm or from being exploited.
Abuse can take a number of forms and can cause victims to suffer pain, fear and distress. Adults may be too afraid or embarrassed to raise any complaints or concerns. They may be reluctant to discuss their concerns with other people or unsure who to trust with their worries. Sometimes people can be unaware they are being abused.
DEILEN employees and volunteers have a responsibility to ensure they are familiar with this policy, adhere to the principles of this policy and report any suspicions they may have to the Directors.
DEILEN actively promotes equality and fairness, and values the diversity of all learners, employees, volunteers and partners.
Health and Safety at Work Act, 1975 Statement of
Health and Safety Policy Policy created on 03:04:2021. Last reviewed on 03:04:2024
General Statement of Policy, Duties & Responsibilities
Policy Statement
DEILEN and the recognised representative : Manager Helen Walker Brown and accept their health and safety duties to provide a safe and healthy working and learning environment (as far as is reasonably practicable) for all participants and assistants under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, other relevant legislation and common law duties of care.
It is the policy of DEILEN to promote the health and safety of all visitors to their premises or current place of temporary operation and to that intent to:
• Take all reasonably practicable steps to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all persons on the premises
• Provide adequate working and learning conditions with proper facilities to safeguard the health and safety of individuals and to ensure that any activity which is undertaken produces no unnecessary risk to health or safety
• Encourage persons on the premises / site to co-operate in all safety matters, in the identification of hazards which may exist and in the reporting of any condition which may appear dangerous or unsatisfactory
• Ensure the provision and maintenance of equipment and systems of work that are safe
• Maintain safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances;
• Provide sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable everyone to avoid hazards and contribute to their own safety and health
• Provide specific information, instruction, training and supervision to personnel who have particular health and safety responsibilities (eg a person appointed as a Health and Safety Officer or Representative)
• Make, as reasonably practicable, safe arrangements for protection against any risk to health and safety of the general public
• Make suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to the health and safety of individuals arising out of or in connection with DEILEN’s activities
• Make specific assessment of risks in respect of new or expectant mothers, individuals with additional learning needs, sensory or mobility difficulties and young people under the age of eighteen
• Provide information to working partners of any risks to which people may be exposed
This policy statement and/or the procedures for its implementation may be altered at any time. The statement and the procedures are to be reviewed at the end of the financial year by DEIELN / Helen Walker Brown.
Policy for Visitors to Installations or Sites and for Workshop Participants On arrival all visitors should be directed to the person in charge of the activity or a representative of the user/hirer of the building or site. This person is to take responsibility for the visitor(s) and if necessary, assist in their evacuation from the building during an emergency or arrange help in the event of an accident. Health and Safety Rules All visitors to sites or buildings and participants in activities must exercise ordinary care to avoid accidents and comply with the following general rules and with any further rules which DEILEN may publish from time to time. Accidents Any injury suffered by a participant or visitor to any of DEILEN’s activities. however slight, must be reported to Helen Walker Brown or her representative, and recorded, together with such other particulars as are required by statutory regulations. Fire Precautions All persons must familiarise themselves with fire escape routes and procedures and follow the directions of the person in charge in relation to fire. Equipment and Appliances No equipment or appliance may be used other than as provided by or specifically authorised by or on behalf of the DEILEN and any directions for the use of such must be followed precisely. Safety Clearways Corridors, doorways and fire escape routes must be kept free of obstructions and properly lit. Maintenance Defective equipment, furniture and structures must be reported as such without delay. Hygiene and Waste Disposal Facilities for the disposal of waste materials must be kept in a clean and hygienic condition. Waste must be disposed of in an appropriate manner and in accordance with any special instructions relating to the material concerned. Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Smoking within any premises and the use of Drugs (except under medical supervision) during any activities led by DEILEN are prohibited at all times. The use of intoxicants (alcohol) is also prohibited. With regard to all Health and Safety matters, where an activity, installation or workshop takes place on premises or land owned or managed by another organisation, business or individual, reference should also be made to any additional policies that are in place, and those policies must also be adhered to at all times for the duration of the activity and during the time spent on site.
This policy is provided for Deilen staff members, volunteers and learners who are using or delivering services offered by Deilen. Policy created on 03:04:2021. Last reviewed on 03:04:2024
Deilen will review this policy annually in line with self-assessment arrangements. This policy will also be revised as and when necessary, in response to partner and learner feedback or good practice guidance issued by an awarding organisation or other regulatory body.
This policy is available for all staff members, third parties and learners to access.
Each staff member and volunteer involved in the management, delivery, assessment and quality assurance of services offered by Deilen, shall be made aware of this policy during their induction period of employment. Learners undertaking Deilen activities shall be informed of this policy during their induction process.
Deilen is strongly committed to practices that protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect or significant harm. Employees recognise and accept their responsibilities to develop their awareness of risks and issues involved in safeguarding.
Deilen also recognises and accepts that it has a responsibility to protect staff and volunteers from unfounded allegations of abuse.
For the purposes of this policy and procedures, children are defined in the Children Act of 2005 as a person under the age of 18 years. The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 defines a ‘vulnerable adult’ as a person aged 18 and over and:-
Receiving a social care serviceStaff members are responsible for monitoring and managing incidents or concerns and liaising with the relevant safeguarding agencies when appropriate.
Deilen is responsible for ensuring that Safeguarding Policy and procedures are in place, and that they are available for scrutiny by the relevant authorities.
Deilen is accountable for the overall Safeguarding Policy of the organisation and will act in accordance with the statutory and legislative guidance to safeguard and protect the welfare of learners and employees.
Deilen has a duty to promote safeguarding issues and measures to staff and ensure that:
Risks are assessed to ensure practice are likely to protect staff members from false allegations.Deilen has a responsibility to ensure safe recruitment and employment practices. New and existing staff who frequently or intensively work with children, young people and vulnerable adults in training, supervision or advice, will be subjected to DBS and pre-employment checks.
Deilen seeks to meet all legislative requirements and good practice standards in safeguarding through adherence to all statutory legislation, including but not limited to The Children’s Act 1988 and The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.
This policy is provided for anyone accessing the website or services of DEILEN.
Policy created on 03:04:2021. Last
reviewed on 03:04:2024
DEILEN will review this policy annually in line with self-assessment arrangements. This policy will also be revised as and when necessary, in response to staff feedback or good practice guidance.
This policy is available for everyone to access.
Anyone involved in the management and delivery or receiving of work offered by DEILEN, shall be made aware of this policy from first instance.
As part of being a socially responsible company, DEILEN is committed to doing everything we can to manage our business activities to reduce our environmental impact and help our people lead more sustainable lives.
In order to do this, we will:
Darperir ar gyfer y polisi hwn ar gyfer aelodau staff, ymarferwyr, gwirfoddolwyr, dysgwyr a phartneriaid
sy'n defnyddio neu'n cyflwyno'r gwasanaethau a gynigir gan DEILEN.
Dyddiad creu 03:04:2021. Adolygwyd ar 03:04:2024
Adolygir y polisi hwn yn flynyddol yn unol â threfniadau hunanasesu. Bydd y polisi hwn hefyd yn cael ei adolygu yn ôl yr angen, mewn ymateb i adborth partneriaid a dysgwyr neu ganllawiau arfer da a gyhoeddir gan sefydliad dyfarnu neu gorff rheoleiddio arall.
Mae’r polisi hwn ar gael i bob aelod o staff, trydydd parti a dysgwr ei gyrchu.
Bydd pob aelod o staff sy'n ymwneud â rheoli, cyflwyno, asesu a sicrhau ansawdd y gwasanaethau a gynigir gan DEILEN, yn cael gwybod am y polisi hwn yn ystod eu cyfnod sefydlu cyflogaeth. Bydd dysgwyr a gwirfoddolwyr sy'n ymgymryd a neu'n cynnig ein gwasanaethau yn cael gwybod am y polisi hwn yn ystod eu proses sefydlu.
Mae DEILEN wedi ymrwymo i egwyddorion Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth.
Mae mynediad a chyfleoedd cyfartal i bawb yn werthoedd craidd y sefydliad ac mae DEILEN wedi ymrwymo i godi proffil cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth ac i fod yn rhagweithiol wrth sicrhau tegwch i bawb. Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yw'r sail i'r cyfan o'n polisïau.
Mae'n ofynnol bawb sy'n ymwneud a'n gweithgareddau ddilyn ac anrhydeddu egwyddorion y polisi Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth yma.
Nid oes unrhyw amgylchiadau lle bydd DEILEN yn goddef gwahaniaethu, aflonyddu, bwlio neu erledigaeth gan neu tuag at unrhyw aelod o staff, dysgwyr neu partneriaid.
Mae hyn hefyd yn cynnwys seiber-aflonyddu neu seiberfwlio. Rhaid rhoi gwybod am unrhyw faterion i'n Cyfarwyddwyr.
Disgwylir i bob gweithiwr, gwirfoddolwr, a dysgwr fod yn effro ac adrodd ar unrhyw achosion o'r materion a nodir isod.
Mae gwahaniaethu yn digwydd pan fydd pobl yn cael eu trin yn llai ffafriol nag eraill oherwydd nodwedd warchodedig sydd ganddynt neu y credir sydd ganddynt. Mae hyn yn cynnwys gwahaniaethu ar sail rhyw, hil, tarddiad ethnig, credoau crefyddol, oedran, statws priodasol, cam datblygiad, gallu neu anabledd, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol, ailbennu rhywedd a chyfoeth neu gefndir.
Mae pedwar math o wahaniaethu; Gwahaniaethu Uniongyrchol, Gwahaniaethu gan Gymdeithas, Gwahaniaethu Canfyddiad a Gwahaniaethu anuniongyrchol.
Aflonyddu hiliol yw unrhyw weithred o natur hiliol sy'n arwain at bobl yn teimlo dan fygythiad neu dan fygythiad. Gall gynnwys:
galw enwau hiliolMae aflonyddu rhywiol yn ymddygiad rhywiol digroeso sy'n effeithio ar urddas pobl yn y gwaith, gan gynnwys ymddygiad corfforol, geiriol neu ddieiriau. Gall fod ar ffurf:
jôcs neu pranciau ansensitifMae bwlio yn fath o aflonyddu, boed gan staff neu ddysgwyr eraill. Gall bwlio fod yn ymddygiad geiriol, di-eiriau neu gorfforol sy’n achosi i unigolion deimlo dan fygythiad, wedi’u hynysu neu eu bychanu – a gall gynnwys aelodau o grŵp heblaw’r rhai sy’n cael eu targedu’n uniongyrchol.
Gall bwlio fod ar sawl ffurf a gall fod yn anodd ei ganfod gan y rhai nad ydynt yn ymwneud yn uniongyrchol â'r achos.
Gofynnir i bob dysgwr ac aelod o staff roi gwybod am fwlio cyn gynted â phosibl, fel y gellir ei atal. Bydd cyfrinachedd bob amser yn cael ei barchu bob amser.
Mae'r gyfraith yn cydnabod bwlio fel mater difrifol ac yn amddiffyniad rhag y Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn ei gwneud yn drosedd a throsedd sifil i achosi aflonyddwch, braw neu drallod i unrhyw berson.
Erledigaeth yw pan fydd person yn cael ei drin yn llai ffafriol o dan yr un amgylchiadau oherwydd bod y person hwnnw, yn ddidwyll, wedi gwneud cwyn neu wedi codi achwyniad o dan y Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010, neu oherwydd eu bod yn cael eu hamau o wneud hynny.
Mae oedolyn agored i niwed yn berson 18 oed neu hŷn na all efallai ofalu amdano’i hun nac amddiffyn ei hun rhag camdriniaeth, niwed neu rhag cael ei ecsbloetio.
Gall cam-drin fod ar sawl ffurf a gall achosi i ddioddefwyr ddioddef poen, ofn a thrallod. Gall fod gormod o ofn neu embaras ar oedolion i godi unrhyw gwynion neu bryderon. Gallant fod yn amharod i drafod eu pryderon gyda phobl eraill neu'n ansicr pwy i ymddiried ynddynt gyda'u pryderon. Weithiau gall pobl fod yn anymwybodol eu bod yn cael eu cam-drin.
Mae gan weithwyr a gwirfoddolwyr DEILEN gyfrifoldeb i sicrhau eu bod yn gyfarwydd â’r polisi hwn, yn cadw at egwyddorion y polisi hwn ac yn adrodd am unrhyw amheuon sydd ganddynt i'r Cyfarwyddwyr.
Mae DEILEN yn hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb a thegwch yn weithredol, ac yn gwerthfawrogi amrywiaeth pob dysgwr, gweithiwr a phartner.
Darperir y polisi hwn ar gyfer aelodau staff, gwirfoddolwyr a dysgwyr sy'n defnyddio neu'n cyflwyno gweithgareddau a gynigir gan DEILEN. Dyddiad creu 03:04:2021. Adolygwyd ar 03:04:2024
Adolygi'r y polisi hwn yn flynyddol yn unol â threfniadau hunanasesu. Bydd y polisi hwn hefyd yn cael ei adolygu yn ôl yr angen, mewn ymateb i adborth cwsmeriaid a dysgwyr neu ganllawiau arfer da a gyhoeddir gan sefydliad dyfarnu neu gorff rheoleiddio arall.
Mae’r polisi hwn ar gael i bob aelod o staff, trydydd parti a dysgwr ei gyrchu.
Bydd bob aelod o staff sy'n ymwneud â rheoli, cyflwyno, asesu a sicrhau ansawdd y gweithgareddau a gynigir gan DEILEN, yn cael gwybod am y polisi hwn yn ystod eu cyfnod sefydlu cyflogaeth. BYdd dysgwyr sy'n ymgymryd a'n gweithgareddau yn cael gwybod am y polisi hwn yn ystod eu proses sefydlu.
Mae DEILEN wedi ymrwymo’n gryf i arferion sy’n amddiffyn plant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion agored i niwed rhag cael eu cam-drin, eu hesgeuluso neu rhag niwed sylweddol. Mae gweithwyr yn cydnabod ac yn derbyn eu cyfrifoldebau i ddatblygu eu hymwybyddiaeth o risgiau a materion sy'n ymwneud â diogelu.
Mae DEILEN hefyd yn cydnabod ac yn derbyn bod ganddo gyfrifoldeb i amddiffyn staff rhag honiadau di-sail o gam-drin.
At ddibenion y polisi a'r gweithdrefnau hyn, diffinnir plant yn y Deddf Plant 2005 fel person dan 18 oed. Mae'r Deddf Diogelu Grwpiau Hyglwyf 2006 yn diffinio ‘oedolyn agored i niwed’ fel person 18 oed a hŷn ac:-
Derbyn gwasanaeth gofal cymdeithasol
DEILEN sy'n gyfrifol am sicrhau arferion recriwtio a chyflogi diogel. Bydd staff newydd a phresennol sy'n gweithio'n aml neu'n ddwys gyda phlant, pobl ifanc ac oedolion agored i niwed mewn hyfforddiant, goruchwyliaeth neu gyngor, yn destun DBS a gwiriadau cyn cyflogaeth.
Mae DEILEN yn ceisio cyrraedd holl ofynion deddfwriaethol a safonau arfer da ym maes diogelu drwy gadw at yr holl ddeddfwriaeth statudol, gan gynnwys ond heb fod yn gyfyngedig i Deddf Plant 1988 add Deddf Diogelu Grwpiau Hyglwyf 2006.
Darperir y polisi hwn i unrhyw un sy'n cyrchu gwefan neu wasanaethau
Dyddiad creu 03:04:2021. Adolygwyd ar 03:04:2024
Bydd DEILEN yn adolygu'r polisi hwn yn flynyddol yn unol â threfniadau hunanasesu. Bydd y polisi hwn hefyd yn cael ei ddiwygio yn ôl yr angen, mewn ymateb i adborth staff neu ganllawiau arfer da.
Maer polisi hwn ar gael i bawb ei gyrchu.
Bydd unrhyw un sy'n ymwneud â rheoli a chyflwyno neu dderbyn gwaith a gynigir gan DEILEN yn cael gwybod am y polisi hwn o'r lle cyntaf.
Fel rhan o fod yn gwmni cymdeithasol gyfrifol, mae DEILEN wedi ymrwymo i wneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i reoli ein gweithgareddau busnes i leihau ein heffaith amgylcheddol a helpu ein pobl i fyw bywydau mwy cynaliadwy.
Er mwyn gwneud hyn, byddwn yn:
Lleihau ein defnydd o adnoddau, gan gynnwys y rhai sy'n ymwneud ag ynni, gwastraff a theithio. o adnoddau.
Tracio, dadansoddi ac adolygu mesuriadau yn rheolaidd a'u monitro yn erbyn targedau cytûn.
Adrodd yn gyhoeddus ar dargedau cytûn. yn cael ei waredu mewn ffordd sy'n arwain at yr effaith amgylcheddol leiaf bosibl, gan flaenoriaethu egwyddorion economi gylchol o ailfeddwl, lleihau, ailddefnyddio, adennill ac ailgylchu.
Rhoi ystyriaeth ddyledus i effaith ein dewisiadau ar yr amgylchedd wrth adnewyddu neu ddewis eiddo newydd, gan gynnwys effaith barhaus gweithgareddau sy'n gysylltiedig â dewisiadau o'r fath.
Ceisio deall effaith unrhyw gontractwyr neu gyflenwyr trydydd parti ar yr amgylchedd wrth gyhoeddi gwahoddiadau i dendro.
Dewis gweithio gyda rhanddeiliaid allanol sydd â dulliau tebyg.
Cydymffurfio â holl ddeddfwriaeth amgylcheddol y DU a cheisio i fabwysiadu unrhyw arferion gorau a dderbynnir yn gyffredinol.
Ymgysylltu â'n rhanddeiliaid mewnol ac allanol gyda'r bwriad o ddarparu neu rannu gwybodaeth, anogaeth a chefnogaeth tuag at wneud dewisiadau ecogyfeillgar yn unol â'r Polisi hwn.
Gwirio ein hymrwymiad i leihau ein heffaith amgylcheddol drwy weithio tuag at y cyflawni a chynnal safonau ac ardystiadau amgylcheddol y DU a gydnabyddir yn gyffredinol.
Aros yn gyfranogwr ymroddedig o Gompact Byd-eang y CU.
Adolygu y Polisi hwn yn rheolaidd.
© Deilen